How A Bankruptcy Lawyer Can Help Relieve Your Debts in Los Angeles

Debt relief in Los Angeles may be hard to come by if you’re already struggling to pay everything off. Even before you’ve entered the bankruptcy phase, it’s advised to consult with a professional regarding how you can get in your creditor’s good financial graces again. This is where a lawyer for debt relief comes in, and better yet, hire one that’s familiar with California law!

Here are a few ways you can benefit from a lawyer specializing in bankruptcy law in Los Angeles:

They can help with student loan debt

Large student debts are normal to have, especially for those who studied in prominent schools or universities. However, it might be a little more difficult for you to obtain some relief if your student loans are causing you to fall into bankruptcy.

With the help of a bankruptcy attorney, it could be much easier for you to obtain funding or help. They’re experienced enough to help you look for private or federal loan servicers that can alleviate your debt with the best terms possible for you. Leave the nitty gritty paperwork up to your lawyer, too! They can explain things to you as you go along so that’s one less thing to worry about!

They can help you directly deal with the trustee

In the bankruptcy process, your person of contact will likely be called a trustee. Just like financial planners are to insurance policies, a trustee is the go-to person you will turn to in order to find out if there are any ways you can alleviate your debt. They might go through the different properties you own and help you determine which ones can be sold to help you pay off creditors.

Your bankruptcy lawyer can work hand-in-hand with your trustee so the both of them can find the best ways you can pay off your debt. Since your bankruptcy lawyer represents your interests, they can also help negotiate with your trustee if needed.

You can be better prepared

Between the paperwork involved that you need to accomplish and the eventual implementation of your bankruptcy plan, you will need to take a lot of steps before your case can officially come through. This can be an overwhelming process to go through especially if you’re working to get your finances in order at the same time.

Here is how a bankruptcy lawyer can help you with your case. They can:

  • Test your means
  • Value your assets
  • Navigate your state’s exemption system
  • Determine which of your debts can be discharged successfully

They can help you avoid bankruptcy

It’s possible that you may be on the verge of bankruptcy, but can still successfully avoid it with the help of your attorney.

They can help you:

  • Negotiate debts you have with creditors.
  • Ask for loans from family or friends.
  • Restructure your mortgage
  • Legally sell your assets like jewelry or real estate.

Having a lawyer present during your dealings will also help up your credibility. The people you’ll be dealing with might doubt your capacity to sell or pay them back, so having a legal witness might help your chances along the way.

If unavoidable, they can help you file for bankruptcy

This may not be common knowledge for most, but bankruptcy is a highly specialized area of law. Your lawyer can help you efficiently deal with the process of filing and drawing up a complete, sensible testimony.

There might be a chance that circumstances might change along the way and your testimony will have to be revised. Having an attorney with you can help you not miss any new details that the court needs to be made aware of.

Talk to us today to learn more!

Need an accomplished bankruptcy lawyer in Los Angeles to help you get back on track? Contact us at the Law Office of R. Grace Rodriguez!

We can help you find the best debt relief option with effective tools to help clean up any financial catastrophe. Simply click the contact number on the upper left side of our website to see how we

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