Questions to ask an Estate Planning Attorney before Hiring

Estate planning is the process of creating a plan for how your assets will be distributed after you die. This includes things like your home, savings, investments, and other property. It is an important process, and one that you should not take lightly. By hiring an experienced estate planning lawyer, you can ensure that your assets are protected and that your wishes are carried out after you die. 

Why I Should Hire an Estate Planning Lawyer

Estate planning can be a complex process, and it’s important to make sure that everything is done correctly. An estate planning lawyer can help you create a plan that meets your needs and protects your assets. 

An estate planning lawyer can also help you navigate the probate process, which is the legal process of distributing your assets after you die. 

What to Ask an Estate Planning Attorney

When you meet with an estate planning lawyer, be sure to ask about their experience and qualifications. You should also ask about the fees they charge and how they structure their services. 

Some questions you might want to ask include: 

1. How long have you been practicing law? 

While there are undoubtedly new lawyers who are excellent in their job, there is truth in the saying with age comes wisdom. It may be better to partner with someone who’s had significant experience in estate planning and have the results to back them up.

2. Do you have experience with estate planning?  

Estate planning is a kind of legal service and is markedly different from other kinds such as child custody and taxation law. When looking for an attorney, choose one who is well-versed in estate planning, as well as the different problems that could occur.

3. What is your fee structure? 

There are different ways a lawyer can asked to be paid. Some charge an initial consultation fee and then a final fee to be paid for once all the meetings have transpired. Others prefer to be paid after each meeting. It’s important to know which method your attorney is expecting so you can plan your finances accordingly.

4. How often will we need to meet? 

Some lawyers prefer to meet their clients daily, while others may schedule weekly meetings. As how often your meetings will be, how long each meeting lasts, and approximately how many times you will need to meet in total. This helps you adjust your schedule as well as have a rough idea on how much you’ll need to pay your attorney, assuming they charge a per session rate.

5. What happens if I have questions after our meeting? 

While it’s best to come to each meeting know what to ask your lawyer, sometimes, you find yourself coming up with more hours or even days after the meeting has passed. Knowing how to contact your lawyer and what times they may be reached is key so you can as your questions as soon as you think of them.

Take your time when choosing an estate planning lawyer. This is an important decision, and you want to make sure you’re working with someone you can trust. 

Hire An Estate Planning Lawyer

Estate planning is essential in life. You’ll want to make sure all your affairs are in order so your loved ones will be cared for even when you’re gone. You’ll need a estate planning attorney in Los Angeles to help you maneuver through the complex paperwork correctly. 

Remember to do your research beforehand so you can partner with a real estate planning lawyer in Los Angeles who is proven to help you get the results you want. Whoever you decide to go with, be sure to set a meeting so you can evaluate their experience and performance, ensuring that they can actually help with your situation.

If you’re in need of a real estate lawyer in Los Angeles, you can also reach out to the Law Offices of R. Grace Rodriguez. We can help protect your property with full-service real estate representation. From property title issues in LA, foreclosures, eminent domain, and a wide range of disputes, The Law Offices of R. Grace Rodriguez can assist you through these. Call us now and strategize with an attorney today!

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